Lena Sinha-Connolly

Senior Advisor

Lena Sinha-Connolly has extensive experience in international affairs. As Principal Adviser and Director with the United Nations Development Programme, she worked on international development cooperation initiatives in areas ranging from governance, conflict prevention and the rule of law to environmental sustainability and climate change. In 2012, Lena was Chief of Staff for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s internal review of the United Nations’ performance in the conflict in Sri Lanka, the findings of which resulted in the United Nations Human Rights Up Front initiative. Subsequently, she served as Special Advisor to the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

As Senior Advisor on Global Governance for the Foundation for Climate Restoration, she advises on efforts to engage Member States of the United Nations on action to reverse the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. Prior to this, she was Managing Director for Funding Advisory Services, Policy and Investor Relations for the Green Economy Group, a start-up company that operates a digital platform enabling clean technology companies and green economy projects around the world to list investment opportunities and connect with institutional investors.

Lena studied history, political science, economics and law in Sweden and the United States. She holds BA, MA and JD degrees from Cornell University, the University of Chicago and the New York Law School.

Besides acting as coordinator of interreligious relations in the World Council of Churches in Geneva, he was visiting professor and adjunct faculty at Université St. Joseph, Balamand University, the University of Geneva, Amsterdam Free University, Harvard University and the American University of Beirut. He authored a number of books and articles on contemporary Arab issues, religion and politics and interreligious and intercultural dialogue. Dr Tarek Mitri holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Paris.

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