Omar Makhfi

Senior Advisor

Omar Makhfi is a communications specialist with over 25 years’ experience in journalism, media development, strategic communications and mediation.

Over the last decade, he worked extensively on conflict resolution, conflict prevention and post-conflict transitions in different Arab Spring countries such as Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Sudan. He worked as an adviser to the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, where he led the communications operations, including public participation and civic education, related to the National Dialogue Conference and the constitution-making process. He also worked as an adviser to the UN Under Secretary for Conflict Prevention, including Burundi.

Omar advised various United Nations entities (UNDP, UNOPS, DPA, ESCWA) and international NGOs such as Olof Palme International Center and Humanitarian Dialogue Centre on issues ranging from dialogue processes design and facilitation, to women’s political participation, CVE/PVE, to local CSOs empowerment.

Holder of a master’s in journalism, a bachelor’s in information sciences and a bachelor’s in political science.

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