Our Principles

ICDI’s normative framework guiding all its activities is the UN Charter, international law, including international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights and refugee laws, and relevant UN norms and standards.


ICDI promotes inclusiveness in peace and mediation processes. This means finding ways to enable the people affected by the conflict, including women, to have a voice and to contribute in a meaningful way in these processes. This also includes the empowerment of civil society to play a positive role and to ensure that the mediation and peace processes are not limited to the armed and violent parties in conflicts.


ICDI strives to empower local actors to have a voice, to engage in peace processes and to develop both grassroots initiatives and, whenever appropriate and feasible, initiatives that are led from within the region by governments and regional and sub-regional organizations to break the monopoly of foreign actors in mediating conflict and encouraging a culture of self-reliance for the people of the region to freely determine their future.


ICDI is an independent organization and has no material interest other than promoting peace. ICDI will treat all actors fairly and in a balanced way with no bias to any party or particular outcome.


ICDI does not accept conditions for support from any donor or party to a conflict that could compromise its impartiality.

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